
The MAThEOR is a fictional international research institute of mathematics. It has been founded in Mulhouse (France) in December 2021 by the four Founding Fathers Armand Ley, Quentin Ehret, Icaro Chaves and Thomas Jacumin. It gathers current and former PhD Students of the Math Departement of the Université de Haute-Alsace and is currently present on 3 continents (Europe, America, Asia). The Headquarters are located in Mulhouse (France). From December 2021 to July 2023, the Director of the institute was Quentin Ehret. After that, Armand Ley took the lead from July 2023 to October 2024. The current Director is Quentin Ehret (again!)

Like any other research institute, the MAThEOR is engaged in several aspects of the academic life, namely cutting-edge research in pure and applied mathematics, transmission of knowledge to students through teaching activities, animation and popular science, and administrative tasks.

Since October 2023, the members of the Institute are :



For the full list of scientific activities of the members, kindly refer to their personal webpages.


Last publications

Last preprints


Several courses in first and second year of Bachelor, mainly real analysis and numerical methods, linear algebra, probability, multivariables calculus, general mathematics, computer programming, statistics, and master thesis supervision.

Animation and popular science

Administrative tasks

Organisation of conferences

Councils of the University

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